Gilad Shalit and Rolling Thunder


I barbecued Vietnamese chicken kabobs on Memorial Day, apropo of nothing, except that it was my strategy of not venturing out of my modest little neighborhood.

A Memorial Day drive in Arlington, Va., where I live, is a venture fraught with traffic-sticking potential: Literally hundreds of thousands of bikers parade from the Pentagon to downtown D.C. (Many of the biker groups were established after World War II by vets who had difficulties settling back into their prewar existences.)

It’s called "Rolling Thunder," and it’s a moving spectacle, worth seeing at least once — but not if you entertain hopes of hanging out much in your backyard.

Many of the bikers adorn their machines with pennants commemorating those still missing in action. This year, an Israeli biker, Oren Poleg, added an MIA to the mix: He adorned his bike with flags seeking the release of Cpl. Gilad Shalit, held by Hamas in Gaza four nigh on four years now.

The Israeli embassy helped him out. I don’t think I risk much in journalist objectivity when I chirp: Kol Hakavod.

Here are some photos:

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