Idea of the Day: Free Jewish summer camp

Jewish summer camp is the single-most important investment we can make to ensure the future of the American Jewish community.


JTA is soliciting readers’ ideas for reversing the tide of Jewish assimilation in America. Here’s today’s featured idea:

Make it free for every Jewish child to attend Jewish summer camp. It’s the best investment we can make to ensure our Jewish future.

I have worked with and served on numerous boards, ranging from Jewish federations and JCCs to young adult groups, Hebrew day schools and Jewish camps. Most of my Jewish day school friends are no longer involved in the Jewish community, but the boards I sit on are full of camp kids. Day schools educate the child’s head; overnight camps take hold in their heart.

The Jewish community may have limited dollars, but give me a kid for three summers and I’ll give you a connected Jew for life.
Larry Cohen
West Hills, California

Read more ideas for stemming the tide of American Jewish disengagement here.

To share your idea, send an email describing one concrete idea in 200 words or less to (include your full name, city, and state or country). Our favorites will be featured online.

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