Sarah Silverman donates her voice to gay Jewish organization

Attention all Bostonians looking for a good, old-fashioned, R-rated outgoing voicemail message: Sarah Silverman and Keshet, an organization that advocates for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Jews, might be able to help. Attendees of the Keshet Cabaret on March 27 will have the opportunity to bid on a personal voicemail from the raunchy comedienne, The Boston […]


Attention all Bostonians looking for a good, old-fashioned, R-rated outgoing voicemail message: Sarah Silverman and Keshet, an organization that advocates for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Jews, might be able to help. Attendees of the Keshet Cabaret on March 27 will have the opportunity to bid on a personal voicemail from the raunchy comedienne, The Boston Globe reports.

This isn’t the first time Silverman has donated her voice to Beantown-related cause. Last April an outgoing  voicemail message from Silverman was a prize in a raffle held by the Boston Marathon Relief Fund.

And as you can see here, she has plenty of other voicemail experience, too.

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