Can’t Track The Money


As Gary Rosenblatt accurately describes the type of Jews that are against the
Iran deal, he fails to write about specifics of the deal that drive these
activists to their point of view (“Iran Deal Driving Jews Farther Apart,” Between The Lines, Aug. 14).

Giving access to $150 billion to an enemy that openly threatens to destroy the United
States and its allies is total lunacy. Anyone reading this letter who believes
that we will have any form of accountability as to how this money will be
spent should understand that even the best form of forensic accounting
techniques would have the most difficult time in following the money trail
from Iran.

If we could actually have inspectors on the ground to witness
that this money is improving the lives of the average Iranian citizen, then
we would have a much more positive view of this deal. Until then we must
oppose and renegotiate, if possible.


