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1000 in Hebrew U Summer Courses

August 7, 1979
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A physician from England, a priest from New Jersey and a U.S. Navy chaplain returning home via Israel after three years of service in Japan are among the 1000 summer students at the Hebrew University.

Coming from 30 countries, ranging from Barbados to Iceland, the majority ### some 900 students–are enrolled in the July and August courses conducted by the university’s School for Overseas Students on the Mt. Scopus campus. Others are taking a law course under the joint sponsorship of Temple University Law School of Philadelphia and the Hebrew University. A third group is studying natural science.

Courses in the main program are taught in both English and French, especially prepared for those coming from abroad. A number of students are back at the Hebrew University for the second and third summer program. Some 65 percent of those enrolled are undergraduates, 20 percent are graduate students and the remainder have already completed their formal education.

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