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6 Jewish Writers, Poets Receive Fernando Jeno Literary Award

Six prominent Jewish writers and poets received the 1980 Fernando Jeno Literary Award, it was announced by the cultural panel of the Central Jewish Committee which administers the award established five years ago by the family of the late philanthropist and Jewish community leader Fernando Jeno. The recipients are Jacob Glantz, for his book of […]

February 26, 1981
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Six prominent Jewish writers and poets received the 1980 Fernando Jeno Literary Award, it was announced by the cultural panel of the Central Jewish Committee which administers the award established five years ago by the family of the late philanthropist and Jewish community leader Fernando Jeno.

The recipients are Jacob Glantz, for his book of poetry, “Cristobal Colon,” published in Israel; Sergio Nudelstejer, for a book in Spanish about Albert Einstein; S.L. Shneiderman of New York, for his Yiddish monograph on the painter-miniaturist Arthur Szyk; Chaim Bez of New York, for a book of essays; Itzhak Kahan of Melbourne, for a book of literary criticism; and Zebulun Berebishez of Mexico, for 50 years of social, cultural and literary efforts in the local Jewish community.

Nudelstejer is the secretary general of the Central Committee of Mexican Jews and the local representative of the American Jewish Committee. On March 24, the Central Committee’s cultural panel will hold a literary gathering in honor of the six winners. The jury that selected them was headed by Soul Lockier, principal of the Jewish Teachers Seminary, and Chaim Lazdeiski, secretary.

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