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$644,000 Contributed at Opening of New York United Palestine Appeal

February 16, 1928
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The opening of the Greater New York campaign for the United Palestine Appeal, was met with greater advance contributions than in any previous year, according to an announcement made last night at the opening rally of the United Palestine Appeal at Mecca Temple by Morris Rothenberg, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Appeal.

A report of advance contributions to the quota of $2,500,000 which New York Jews had adopted showed that over $600,000 have been received, with a large part of the total being made up of smaller contributions. The largest gifts were made by Nathan Straus, with a contribution of $100,000; Benjamin Winter with $50,000 and Max Blumberg, $25,000.

The opening rally was addressed by United States Senator King of Utah, Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Judge Otto A. Rosalsky, Judge Grover M. Moscowitz, Judge William B. Lewis, Gedaliah Bublick, Mrs. Anna Moscowitz Kross and Morris Rothenberg.

Speaking of his interest in the up building of Palestine as the Jewish National Homeland, Senator King mentioned the great interest which Wood row Wilson had taken in Palestine, and that the late President “was very anxious that the Jews should have Palestine returned to them, and that this grant should be protected in the treaties contracted by the allied nations.”

Declaring that the Jews are making one of their greatest contributions to civilization in their rebuilding of Palestine, Senator King said:

“What has amazed me, during my observation of the progress of Jewish work in Palestine, is the indifference with which some American Jews have regarded the enterprise which should have been one of the motivating ideals of their existence. It seems to me that the rebuilding of Palestine is a project in which every Jew throughout the world should share. He not only owes it to his people; he owes it to mankind. Every man on this earth is obligated to his fellow men to exert himself so that he may increase the welfare of those about him in one way or another. To my mind the Jewish people can make their greatest collective contribution by a united effort for Palestine, by joining their forces so that Palestine will truly represent the genius of an entire people, whose gifts to mankind have come as from individuals for many centuries.

“This phenomenon of indifference among Jews has been explained to me on the ground that these Jews are fearful of suspicion of their American patriotism. Nothing as far as I know, could be a greater misunderstanding of what the Zionist movement is attempting to do. The loyalty of American Jews has been demonstrated so often that one wonders that this bugaboo is still being exploited by Jews themselves. I deplore the situation, however, because I see that it interferes with what might be more rapid progress in the upbuilding of Palestine. What more can we Christian Americans say to you Jewish Americans than that we applaud your efforts in attempting to build up Palestine, and that no breath of suspicion attaches to you because of your zeal in trying to reconstruct the birthplace of the three dominant religions of the word We know that by displaying your loyalty to your people and to the ideals of your race you are giving evidence of your noble character, and that you are showing those qualities of which every American citizen should be proud.”

In his speech as Chairman of the New York campaign, Judge Otto A. Rosalsky pointed out that what Jews were trying to do in Palestine was not so much the building of a physical refuge but a spiritual center.

“What is being done cannot be thought of exclusively in terms of immediate material achievement, “he declared. “It is not a physical haven only that is the goal of our endeavor. Those who think of building a refuge for the oppressed and persecuted, with no thought of the spiritual significance of the haven, miss the point which is involved in the objective of the Jewish people.

“When we appeal for $2,500,000 in Greater New York for the rebuilding of Palestine, we have in mind not only the establishment of colonies, the development of industry, the beginnings of commerce, but we are thinking of a renaissance of Jewish culture, a new flowering of the Jewish genius, which has given to civilization the fundamentals of its religious belief. In Palestine rebuilt, new ideas and ideals are to be created that will continue the Jewish contribution to civilization and the welfare of mankind. Without economic stability, the spiritual advancement is not possible. Only where there is prosperity and an opportunity for putting aside the constant struggle for mere existence, is it possible for the pioneers to turn to the consideration of the ##mgner things in life.”

Criticism of the recent closing of Hungarian universities on account of anti Jewish outbreaks was made by Federal Judge Grover M. Moscowitz, who is Chairman of the Brooklyn United Palestine Appeal, mentioning a news item which spoke of the closing of the universities and colleges throughout Hungary by the Minister of Education during debate over the government’s proposal to modify the restrictions against the enrollment of Jews as university students.

“A great deal has been said, and rightly, about the persecuted Jews who are entitled to a refuge in Palestine. This is good as far as it goes. But many of us are working for the rebuilding of Palestine who are not persecuted Jews, and it is well that we understand what is involved in the upbuilding of the Jewish Homeland. We here, as an individual Jewish community, have settled our Jewish problem. We have found a home here and we consider America as our home. Just as any other American does. Herein our position resembles that of the French Jew or the English Jew. But there is another side of our being, as a race, as a people, as a collective organism, which has a history and traditions, and which has carried this history and these traditions for thousands of years, that side remains homeless,” Judge Moscowitz stated.

In a financial report presented by Samuel Blitz, Director of the New York campaign, the sum of $644,079 was announced as the total of advance contributions to the quota of $2,500,000.

This was received as follows: Special Contributions: Nathan Straus (to Hadassah) $100,000: Benjamin Winter. $50,000: Mrs. Sol Rosenbloom (to Hebrew University). $10,000: Anonymous, through Mrs. Richard Gotthell, $5,000; Fur Chest, $40,000; Dr. Joseph Krimsky (to Hebrew University), $1,000. Other contributions were announced by sections as follows: Williamsburg: Max Blumberg. $25,000; L Rokeach and Sons, $1,500; Markel and Rosen, $1,000; L. Tomchin, $500; East Side; Morris Eisenmann, $2,500; Max Fine. $1,000; Morris Sendar. $500; Sigmund Thau $500; Jacob Fishman. $500; Bensonhurst; Isaac Meister. $5,000; Levy and Baird. $2,500; I.S. and L. I. Chanin, $2,500; A. Mazer, $1,000; Frank Shavitz, $500; Samuel Kramer. $600; Abraham Cohen, $500; Long Island; Mrs. Irma Lindhelm. $5,000; Benjamin Titman. $2,000; Michael Sallt, $1,500; John L. Liebowitz, $1,000; and H.P. Rosen. Max Usdan. Leo J. Goldberger, A Bitensky and Harry Sirkin. $500 each; Brownsville; M. Dlugasch, $2,500; Samuel Barnett, $2.000; Morris Welnberg, $3,500; Simon H.Klugel S. Telsey. Joseph Aaron, A. Kaplan, Louis Rosenman and Nathan Halperin. $1,000; each.

M. Diamond $750; Louis Welnstock, D,S, Shapiro, J. Rutstein and Barnett Green. $500 each: Bronx: Louis Altschul. $4,000; Philip Wattenberg, $3,000; Rosedale Engineering Co., Bernard Crausman, Alexander Selkin. Morris Polsky, Mrs L. M. Blumstein and Max J. Schneider, $1,000 each; Samuel Berger, $600; and Isidore Langner, Philip Perlman, Matthew L. Margolish and Rubin Bernson, $500 each; East New York; Jacob H, Cohen, $3,500; Morris Salzman, $1,000 and Max L. Kane, $500; West Side; I. D. Morrison. $7,500; S. Liebowitz and Sons, $7,500; I. Unterberg, Congressman William W. Cohen, and Dr. Stephen S. Wise, $1,500 each; and Jacob Klein, $500; South Brooklyn; Louis Germain, $550; Flatbush; Israel Matz, $3,500, Joseph Pines, $1,500; Julius Nelson. Emanuel Liebermann and Joseph Weiss, $1,000 each; Max Zahler, $500; Boro Park; Max Jonas, $2,000; Joseph Dauber, $1,500; Simon Ackerman, Istdore Lasner, $1,000 each, Morris Griffler, and Phillp Passon, $500 each.

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