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Advisory Body to Aid WZO

April 30, 1974
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A world-wide advisory body on information policy is to be set up to counsel the World Zionist Organization on information work. This was decided at the first meeting of the WZO Executive’s Committee on Information, under acting chairman Leon Dulzin. The committee was formed by WZO new information chief Moshe Gilboa who has joined the Organization and Information Department with special responsibility for organizing WZO information abroad. Gilboa was political advisor to Shimon Peres.

The committee also decided upon a program streamlining the information efforts of the various WZO departments. Dulzin stressed that each department would retain its autonomy–but measures would be taken to avoid duplication and overlap in publications, in arranging seminars in Israel and lecture tours abroad, and in other information work undertaken by WZO.

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