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American Jewish Organizations Denounce Pro-communist “stockholm Peace Appeal”

Ten major Jewish organizations issued a statement during the week-end denouncing the “Stockholm Appeal” and characterizing as a “despicable divide-and-conquer tactio” the circulation of a version of the pro-Communist petition directed specifically to Jewish groups. The Jewish organizations called upon “all who wish to serve the peace of the world and the preservation of freedom […]

August 21, 1950
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Ten major Jewish organizations issued a statement during the week-end denouncing the “Stockholm Appeal” and characterizing as a “despicable divide-and-conquer tactio” the circulation of a version of the pro-Communist petition directed specifically to Jewish groups.

The Jewish organizations called upon “all who wish to serve the peace of the world and the preservation of freedom to reject, with calm and common-sense, the Stockholm Appeal.” The organizations charged that “those who assist the unscrupulous Communist aggressors in advancing this instrument of their destructive purposes make use of every device of confusion and distortion.”

Organizations which signed the statement were: American Jewish Committee; American Jewish Congress; Anti-Defamation League; Association of Jewish Chaplains in the Armed Forces; B’nai B’rith; Jewish Labor Committee; Jewish War Veterans of U.S.A.; National Community Relations Advisory Council; National Council of Jewish Women; and Union of American Hebrew Congregations.

Declaring that the fraudulence of the appeal directed to Jews is “transparent,” the statement pointed out that the endorsements contained therein “obviously come from pro-Communists, from those behind the Iron Curtain who had no choice, or from innocents who have been duped by the spurious appeal, if indeed the endorsements are authentic.”

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