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American Zionists Warn U.S. Against Giving Arms to Arabs

The American Zionist Council today issued a statement warning that the defense of the Near East would be gravely prejudiced if arms were made available to the Arab states at this time, in view of the continuing refusal of the Arab states to make peace with Israel, their blockade and boycott and the recent belligerent […]


The American Zionist Council today issued a statement warning that the defense of the Near East would be gravely prejudiced if arms were made available to the Arab states at this time, in view of the continuing refusal of the Arab states to make peace with Israel, their blockade and boycott and the recent belligerent declaration of Arab leaders opposing any kind of settlement.

The administrative committee of the Council, which represents the entire Zionist movement in the United States, issued its statement following a meeting this morning in the wake of published reports from Washington that the U.S. Government planned to give arms to some of the Arab states.

The Council urged that military assistance to the region should be limited to installations such as airports, communications and harbors. It suggested the establishment of a new link between the Mediterranean and Red Seas over the southern part of Israel to provide an alternative route to the Suez Canal should that channel become inoperative because of military or political developments.

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