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Announce Guggenheim Fellowships of $180,000

March 25, 1929
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Grants totalling $180,000 to eighty-eight scholars, painters, sculptors and composers, to assist them in carrying on research and creative work abroad, were announced today by the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, established by former United States Senator and Mrs. Simon Guggenheim in memory of their son.

Among the eighty-eight recipients of this year’s grants are Sidney Loeb, a sculptor of New York; Dr. James Emmanuel Ernst, assistant professor at the University of Illinois; Dr. David Morris Greenberg, assistant professor of biochemitsry at the University of California; Dr. Samuel Brody, assistant professor of dairy husbandry at the University of Missouri; Dr. Harry Slochower, instructor of comparative literature at the College of the City of New York; Dr. Jacob Hammer of Hunter College and Dr. Raphael Levy, instructor of Romance languages at the University of Wisconsin.

Dr. Levy receives his fellowship for the purpose of copying and publishing, with an adequate commentary, all material of value for old French lexicography contained in seven unpublished French manuscripts, written in Hebrew characters, available in the libraries of Paris, Basle, Berne, Leipsig and Parma.

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