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Barring Jews from Rumanian Rent Moratorium Law Makes Them Popular with Landlords

Jews in Rumania have become the most-courted tenants in the country as a result of the recent rent moratorium decree, which allows all persons – except Jews – to invoke a waiting period in paying rent on their homes or apartments, the Svenska Dagbladet reports today. Bucharest newspapers, the Swedish correspondent writes, are filled with […]

May 14, 1942
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Jews in Rumania have become the most-courted tenants in the country as a result of the recent rent moratorium decree, which allows all persons – except Jews – to invoke a waiting period in paying rent on their homes or apartments, the Svenska Dagbladet reports today.

Bucharest newspapers, the Swedish correspondent writes, are filled with advertisements offering apartments for rent to Jews Actually, the Jewish tenants are suffering from the moratorium decree since the landlords have made it an occasion for raising rents in order to make up for losses suffered on Christian tenants who are protected by the law.

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