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Ben Gurion Eulogizes Dr. Weizmann at Special Cabinet Meeting

Premier David Ben Gurion, at a special meeting of the Cabinet called on the occasion of the death of President Weizmann, eulogized the first President of the Jewish State as the “first citizen of the Jewish nation.” The Premier said to the members of his government, and to the co-chairmen of the Jewish Agency, Dr. […]

November 10, 1952
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Premier David Ben Gurion, at a special meeting of the Cabinet called on the occasion of the death of President Weizmann, eulogized the first President of the Jewish State as the “first citizen of the Jewish nation.” The Premier said to the members of his government, and to the co-chairmen of the Jewish Agency, Dr. Nahum Goldmann and Berl Locker, who also attended the meeting:

“I would not try now to appreciate the personality and the activity of the nation’s choice. There was nobody like him since Herzl and many books should be written about him and about the two crowns he wore–the crown of statehood and the crown of science. Even in those few years when he was not elected president of the Zionist Organization, Dr. Weizmann was the first citizen of the Jewish nation, symbolizing our urge and striving for the national revival named Zionism.

“Wonderful was that man, who devoted his entire life, without ease for a moment, to scientific work. Both activities were not separate or contradictory since they emanated from a single source, from the source of the Jewish spirit. Dr. Weizmann recognized the simple and deep truth that the renovation of our national, independent life was unimaginable without science as its central pillar.”

A meeting of the Jewish Agency executive was held later, and Dr. Goldmann and Mr. Locker also eulogized the President. The Knesset will hold a special mourning session tomorrow, but the Cabinet will not meet again until after the funeral. Vice-President Joseph Sprinzak has taken over the duties of Acting President.

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