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Berlin Schools to Teach Children on Nazi Atrocities Against Jews

West Berlin education officials announced today a new public school curriculum to assure that pupils will learn who Hitler was by the time they are 10 years old. Pupils also will receive comprehensive instruction on the meaning of such symbols as the Nazi swastika and the Star of David. They will also be informed on […]

April 28, 1960
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

West Berlin education officials announced today a new public school curriculum to assure that pupils will learn who Hitler was by the time they are 10 years old.

Pupils also will receive comprehensive instruction on the meaning of such symbols as the Nazi swastika and the Star of David. They will also be informed on the Nazi atrocities as part of teaching in the new curricula about the events of World War II.

Drafting of the new curricula followed a spate of anti-Semitic and pro-Nazi incidents throughout West Germany in January which led to widespread inquiries into the content of current reaching materials in West German schools. Germany’s recent past was found ignored in most school teaching programs.

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