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Canadian Labor Group Asks Bar to Bias in Liquor Sales

December 9, 1952
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A request that the issuance of liquor licenses in the province of British Columbia be tied to a provision forbidding discrimination in the sale of liquor by the licensee on the basis of race, color or creed, has been submitted by the Vancouver Joint Labor Committee to Combat Racial Discrimination to the provincial liquor commission. The labor group reported a number of cases of refusal to sell liquor to Negroes and foreigners.

A subtle pro-Arab campaign is being waged in Canada by Brigadier Cyril D. Quilliam, a former member of the British intelligence who has spent most of his life in the Middle East. In an address before the Women’s Canadian Club here he implied that “the peoples of the Middle East find little reason for allying themselves with the Western world.” The Arabs, he said, claim the West was responsible for the Jewish problem and supported the Jews in their fight for Israel.

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