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Charge British Officials Influenced Abdullah’s Communique

February 15, 1933
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Simultaneously with the issuance of Emir Abdullah’s communique denying for a second time the lease of Transjordan land to Jews, the Arab press reports that Emir Abdullah was urged to postpone the lease of land to Jews by the Palestine High Commissioner and the British Military Commander of the Transjordan Forces at a conference they had with him on Sunday.

The postponement of the land lease was urged by the British government representatives because the admission of Jews may cause trouble and endanger public security, the Arab press alleges.

Asked by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency whether there is any connection between Emir Abdullah’s sudden communique and the conference with British representatives on Sunday, responsible Jewish leaders declared: “We have nothing to say at present.”

Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, member of the Jewish Agency Executive in Palestine in charge of political affairs, will be received by the High Commissioner today.

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