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Communist Attacks on Jews and Zionism Denounced in London

An overflow audience last night heard various newspapermen and political figures denounce the attacks on Zionism and Jews at the Prague trial, at a meeting sponsored here by the British section of the World Jewish Congress. Among the speakers who denounced the trials as anti-Semitic were David Floyd, East European expert of the Daily Telegraph, […]

January 8, 1953
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

An overflow audience last night heard various newspapermen and political figures denounce the attacks on Zionism and Jews at the Prague trial, at a meeting sponsored here by the British section of the World Jewish Congress.

Among the speakers who denounced the trials as anti-Semitic were David Floyd, East European expert of the Daily Telegraph, Stanley Evans, vice-chairman of the British-Soviet Friendship Society and Konni Zilliacus, former M. P. who was himself accused of complicity in anti-Czech conspiracies at the Prague trial. Sidney Silverman, M.P. and vice-president of the W. J. C., stressed the need for caution, since the fate of millions of East European Jews was in the balance. “If the Czechs have become anti-Semitic it is important that we should know it; if not, it is important that we should not say it,” he declared.

The Daily Mail, in a lengthy editorial entitled “Adolf Stalin.” blames the Soviet Union for the developments in Communist countries which “send shivers down Jewish spines and make all other decent people despair.” The editorial charges that this action is dictated by the fact that the “Communists wish to ingratiate themselves with the Arab countries and stir up trouble in the Middle East.”

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