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Complains Trained Workers Not Placed in Positions

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Although new professional schools for the training of Jewish workers have been opened, no effort is made to place graduates in positions, complains the “Stern,” Charkov Yiddish Communist daily. The paper cites an instance in the Jewish mechanical school at Dnepro-Petrovsk where the graduates last year were compelled to take unskilled jobs. […]

September 9, 1928
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Although new professional schools for the training of Jewish workers have been opened, no effort is made to place graduates in positions, complains the “Stern,” Charkov Yiddish Communist daily.

The paper cites an instance in the Jewish mechanical school at Dnepro-Petrovsk where the graduates last year were compelled to take unskilled jobs. This year twenty-two graduates were sent to the unemployment bureau.

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