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Confederation of General Zionists Reiterates Non-identification Policy

The conference of the European executive of the General Zionists — the Goldstein-Halprin group — has unanimously endorsed the position of the World Confederation of General Zionists on the question of merger with the Confederation led by Dr.Emanuel Neumann and on the decision against identification with any Israeli political party. Delegates from Austria, Belgium, Great […]

July 10, 1963
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The conference of the European executive of the General Zionists — the Goldstein-Halprin group — has unanimously endorsed the position of the World Confederation of General Zionists on the question of merger with the Confederation led by Dr.Emanuel Neumann and on the decision against identification with any Israeli political party.

Delegates from Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, France, Germany, Greece, Holland and Sweden, meeting here, heard reports on the current situation in Israel, and in the Zionist world. The participants expressed their conviction that the only possible salvation for the world Zionist movement was the strict non-identification with any Israeli political party. Their views were summarized in a statement issued at the conclusion of the two day meeting, which read:

“Zionism today is essential to ensure Jewish creative survival in the diaspora, Identification with Israel as a whole rather than with its political parties is increasingly gaining adherence. The continued existence in the diaspora of Zionist parties parallel to Israeli’s political parties is anachronistic, hampers unity and prevents the Zionist movement from achieving its destined role. Thus we are confident that through application of the above program in our daily Zionist tasks and in aid to Israel we will enlarge the periphery of our influence and furnish an example of the best way to serve Israel and assure the unity and creative survival of our people in the diaspora. “

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