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Conflict Between Britain and U.S. on Right to Voice in Future Iraq Policy

A conflict has arisen between the United States and Great Britain regarding the course Iraq is to take following the formal relinquishment of Great Britain’s mandate over that country. Great Britain has denied the United States the right to be heard as to the future of Iraq’s administration, which has been the subject of an […]

November 9, 1932
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

A conflict has arisen between the United States and Great Britain regarding the course Iraq is to take following the formal relinquishment of Great Britain’s mandate over that country.

Great Britain has denied the United States the right to be heard as to the future of Iraq’s administration, which has been the subject of an exchange of correspondence between the two countries.

At the same time the United States informed Great Britain that its consent is essential to the validity of any determination which may be reached regarding mandated territories.

The American claim, it is believed, was designed to test the United State’s position with regard to mandates in general and Iraq in particular.

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