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Cornerstone Laid for $300,000 Annex to Hospital for Joint Diseases in New York

Facilities for three basic services provided by the Hospital for Joint Diseases will be greatly expanded when its new $300,000 annex is completed, Oscar M. Lazrus, president of the hospital, announced at cornerstone laying ceremonies for the new annex today. Mrs. David Nickelsburg, president of the Lila Motley League for Cancer Research, which pledged more […]

April 17, 1950
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Facilities for three basic services provided by the Hospital for Joint Diseases will be greatly expanded when its new $300,000 annex is completed, Oscar M. Lazrus, president of the hospital, announced at cornerstone laying ceremonies for the new annex today.

Mrs. David Nickelsburg, president of the Lila Motley League for Cancer Research, which pledged more than half the funds required to build the annex, presented a check for $100,000 to Mr. Lazrus as the initial payment on the $153,000 the League subscribed.

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