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Delay in Naturalization of Refugees Hampers British Export; Speedy Action Sought

The expansion of some sections of British export trade has been held up by the delay in the naturalization of refugees, the Sunday Express discloses today. It states that Guy Nailor, secretary of the Refugee Industries Committee, will present to the Home Office this week a demand in behalf of more than 500 refugees, including […]

August 26, 1946
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The expansion of some sections of British export trade has been held up by the delay in the naturalization of refugees, the Sunday Express discloses today.

It states that Guy Nailor, secretary of the Refugee Industries Committee, will present to the Home Office this week a demand in behalf of more than 500 refugees, including industrialists and key workers, that naturalization be speeded up for them, Mr. Nailor asserts that many of these refugees are reluctant to go abroad to obtain orders for goods while they are still classed as Austrians or Germans.

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