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Egypt Orders Suez Canal Officials to Continue Blockade

Defying the resolution of the United Nations Security Council, the Egyptian Government has issued orders to the Suez Canal authorities to continue searching vessels believed carrying supplies to Israel and to consider the Council resolution demanding an end to the Canal restrictions as void. A report to this effect reached London today from Cairo. Thereupon […]

September 6, 1951
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Defying the resolution of the United Nations Security Council, the Egyptian Government has issued orders to the Suez Canal authorities to continue searching vessels believed carrying supplies to Israel and to consider the Council resolution demanding an end to the Canal restrictions as void.

A report to this effect reached London today from Cairo. Thereupon the British Foreign Office indicated that Britain might take steps to force Egypt to obey the Council’s decision. A Foreign Office spokesman said that “Britain may take the initiative” should Egypt refuse to carry out the Security Council’s order.

The London Times today quoted an editorial in the English-language Egyptian Gazette which said that Egypt “could not bow” to the Security Council order without being accused of betraying the Arab cause. The editorial warned that any attempt to impose the Council decision by force would “further inflame feeling to such an extent that the interests of those who desire stability in the Middle East would be irreparably damaged.”

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