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Egyptian Ex-khedive Denies All Knowledge of Palestine Round Table Proposals in Statement to J.t.a.:

March 5, 1932
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

I was recently in Palestine merely in transit. I certainly saw the Mufti of Jerusalem there, the members of the Zionist Executive and also the British authorities. But my visits to all these gentlemen were but visits of courtesy the Egyptian Ex-Khedive Abbas Hilmi writes in a letter which he has sent to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency here in reply to an enquiry which it addressed to him with regard to the recently published proposals for an Arab-Jewish Round Table Conference of which the authorship was attributed to him.

You will easily understand my astonishment, the ex-Khedive continues, at seeing these propositions attributed to me, as I have seen them for the first time through the medium of your letter. These proposals, which have never emanated from me, deal with Palestine, and are a matter for the Palestinians themselves. Having full confidence in the Mufti of Jerusalem and the members of the Arab Executive Committee (who are defending the cause of the Palestine Arabs) and appreciating the wisdom of the leading Zionists and the members of their Executive, I have the firm hope that everything will be concluded by finding a ground of mutual agreement for the prosperity of Palestine and the happiness of the Palestinians, for which I hope with all my heart.

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