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News Brief

Film producer Richard Attenborough fired a member of the cast of the American movie “A Bridge Too, Far” being shot in Holland, after he discovered the man’s Nazi past. The 65-year-old actor was playing the part of an SS officer in the film which deals with the abortive British landing at Arnheim in September, 1944. […]

June 17, 1976
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Film producer Richard Attenborough fired a member of the cast of the American movie “A Bridge Too, Far” being shot in Holland, after he discovered the man’s Nazi past. The 65-year-old actor was playing the part of an SS officer in the film which deals with the abortive British landing at Arnheim in September, 1944. It turned out that the role was suited more to his wartime activities than his thespian abilities. The truth was revealed when the actor remarked to a fellow player that “the privilege of wearing the uniform of a Haupts-turmbannfuehrer gives me more satisfaction than anything else in life.” He confessed that he had only reached the rank of Sturmbannfuehrer when he served in the SS.

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