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Fisher: Report of Rifts on Policy Relating to Future Emigration of Soviet Jews is ‘totally Untrue’

November 11, 1976
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Max Fisher, chairman of the Interorganizational Committee on Soviet Jewish Emigration which is studying Soviet Jewish emigration practices, said today that he was “appalled by the untrue reports appearing in certain newspapers suggesting that a rift has occurred between the American Jewish community and the Israeli authorities concerned with immigration on future policy relating to the emigration of Soviet Jews. This is without foundation, it is totally untrue, and is evidently inspired by elements intent on wrecking the current joint consultations between the leadership of the American Jewish philanthropic and service organizations and the Israeli authorities concerned.”

Continuing, Fisher stated: “These consultations throughout have the single purpose of maximizing the emigration of Soviet Jews to Israel and to other countries of their choice. By joint decision of the American Jewish organizations directly involved and the concerned authorities in Israel a special committee of experts (committee of eight) was established to propose ways whereby the emigration of Soviet Jews might be facilitated and increased. These consultations are continuing in a spirit of close cooperation and common purpose.

“It is therefore completely erroneous to assert that there exists a unilateral Israeli program or campaign as certain newspaper reports have suggested. What does exist is a common Jewish concern both here and in Israel to assist the Soviet Jews who wish to emigrate to be allowed to do so to the countries of their choice without hindrance and without intimidation. It is in this spirit that the current joint consultations of the committee are continuing. All reports to the contrary are a distortion of the facts.”

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