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Goldmann Alerts U.S. Jewry on Expected Wave of Immigration to Israel

November 27, 1959
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

American Jewry was called upon yesterday by Dr. Nahum Goldmann, chairman of the Jewish Agency, to “increase its participation in matters relating to the general up building of Israel” in view of the fact that Israel must be prepared for a new wave of immigration from North Africa and Eastern Europe.

Addressing a press conference, Dr. Goldmann attributed the recent slowing down of immigration to Israel to “external difficulties” faced by Morocco and various Eastern European countries where the authorities do not permit Jewish emigration. He estimated that “hundreds of thousands of Jews in those parts of the world wish to settle in Israel.”

“Jewish public opinion supported by large non-Jewish groups will continue to impress upon these governments the need to respect the basic human right of free emigration.” he said. “I am convinced that, in the near future, those Jews both in North Africa and in Eastern Europe who want to leave for Israel will be allowed to do so since there is no solution for their problems in the countries in which they live today.”

He stressed that in order to prepare Israel for the new wave of immigration which will start within the next few years, the Jewish Agency and the Jewish communities who support its program must make every effort to alleviate the current absorption backlog in Israel by liquidating the remaining ma’abarot and by completing the economic rehabilitation of those immigrants who are not yet self-supporting.

Dr. Goldmann announced that the Zionist Actions Committee will, at its session in Jerusalem next month, vote on the new constitution of the World Zionist Organization which permits Zionist-minded groups to join the world Zionist movement as a body. He indicated that negotiations with such groups are being conducted at present in the United States, Britain and Latin America.

In addition to enlarging the World Zionist Organization by bringing Zionist-minded groups into the movement, Dr. Goldmann said he was working also on the task of expanding the Jewish Agency by bringing in non-Zionist bodies. “The next few months may see progress in achieving this task,” he declared. He indicated that the “Presidents’ Conference,” composed of leaders of about 20 American Jewish groups, may serve as an advisory body to the Jewish Agency.

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