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Hebrew Day Nursery to Stage Pantomime

The First Hebrew Day Nursery, 174 Leonard street, announces the opening of its exhibition season on May 8 with a demonstration of all athletic and dancing classes under the supervision of Miss Lotta Kraus, and a pantomime performance of “Hansel and Gretel.” Health Week will be observed at the nursery from May 14-18, according to […]

May 7, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The First Hebrew Day Nursery, 174 Leonard street, announces the opening of its exhibition season on May 8 with a demonstration of all athletic and dancing classes under the supervision of Miss Lotta Kraus, and a pantomime performance of “Hansel and Gretel.”

Health Week will be observed at the nursery from May 14-18, according to the announcement of Mrs. Charles Jaffa, president of the organization. Other officers are Mmes, Simon Wolff, Ernest Kutscher, Michael Kraus, Ira Rosensohn and Jacob A. Freedman.

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