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Hebrew U. Heads to Consider Five-year Aid Plan for Exiles

The next meeting of the board of governors of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, will be held in Zurich, Switzerland, on August 13, according to an announcement received by the American office of the University, from Chancellor #udah L. Magnes. Dr. Magnes will sail from Palestine August 1, to attend the meetings. Dr. Chaim Weizmann, President […]

July 22, 1934
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The next meeting of the board of governors of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, will be held in Zurich, Switzerland, on August 13, according to an announcement received by the American office of the University, from Chancellor #udah L. Magnes. Dr. Magnes will sail from Palestine August 1, to attend the meetings. Dr. Chaim Weizmann, President of the Hebrew University, will preside.

American members of the board of governors who are expected to be present at the meetings include: Dr. Cyrus Adler, president of Dropsie College, Philadelphia, and the Jewish Theological Seminary, New York; Dr. Emanuel Libman, member of the board of directors of the American Jewish Physician’s Committee of the University; Dr. Nathan Ratnoff, chairman of the American Jewish Physicians’ Committee; Charles Rosenbloom, of Pittsburgh and New York, and Dr. Stephen S. Wise. Dr. Wise has already sailed for Europe for the meetings.


Dr. Ratnoff is now in Palestine, in connection with plans for the new University Hospital. He was accompanied by Dr. Jacob A. Golub, Director of the Hospital of Joint Disease, who will also attend the meetings as an alternate.

Other Americans who will attend the meetings, holding proxies for absent governors, include Maurice Hexter, member of the Executive of the Jewish Agency and Edward M. M. Warburg, of the Executive Committee of the American Friends of the Hebrew University.

Dr. Max Schloessinger, associate chancellor of the Hebrew University, who arrived in this country in May, in connection with conferences with the American members of the board of governors, is expected to leave New York August 3 to attend the meetings. He will join Dr. Magnes and Solomon Ginzberg, Registrar of the University, at Zurich.

A five-year plan to enable the Hebrew University to engage twenty exiled German scholars during the forthcoming year will be presented to the board by Dr. Magnes, according to Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach, president of the American Friends of the Hebrew University. Negotiations are now under way with scientific men formerly associated with German colleges, whose appointments are expected to be ratified at the meeting of the board of governors, Dr. Rosenbach announced.


“The Hebrew University not only wishes to afford a temporary asylum to exiled German scholars, such as has been provided so generously in other countries, particularly in the United States,” said Dr. Rosenbach, “but it wishes to keep them permanently on its staff. It is natural that they look to the Hebrew University at this juncture, as it is equally natural that we look to them to help us expand the first and only Jewish university, which has already attracted to itself distinguished men of learning from all lands.”

Included among the appointments of former German Professors, awaiting ratification by the board is that of Professor Ludwig Halberstaedter, formerly in charge of the Department of Radiobiology of the Cancer Institute of Berlin, who has been nominated as the head of a similar department at the Hebrew University. Dr. Georg Goldhaber, who was Dr. Halberstaedter’s assistant in Berlin, has already been appointed to the University’s Einstein Institute of Physics, and will assist Dr. Halberstaedter in the new department, it was said. Dr. Halberstaedter introduced the first radium brought into Palestine where he is at present connected with the Cancer Therapy Department of the Rothschild-Hadassah Hospital.

Other appointments to be brought before the board include that of Dr. H. A. Krebs, formerly of the Kaiser Wilhelm Physics Institute, who is now at the University at Cambridge, England. He will be proposed at the head of the Department of Physiological Chemistry, in the new departments of cancer research to be established at the Hebrew University during the coming year, through an anonymous gift of over $200,000. The appointment of Dr. Leonid Doljansky, formerly of the University Institute of of Pathology of Berlin and now at the University of Copenhagen, as head of a department to be devoted to tissue culture research and morbid anatomy, will also be acted upon by the board.

“When the board ratifies the appointments of these outstanding men as the heads of the three new laboratories in cancer research,” Dr. Rosenbach said, “the Hebrew University will take its place as one of the outstanding institutions in this field.”

Dr. Magnes, formerly rabbi of Temple Emanu-El of New York, recently spent three weeks in this country in connection with conferences with American members of the board of governors.

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