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Henry Ford Benefactor of Russian Monarchists

June 5, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

New facts revealing Henry Ford as the benefactor of monarchists and anti-Semites were learned here.

The correspondent of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency is informed of an interesting development pertaining to Henry Ford and the Russian emigres in Czechoslovakia. The emigres, who were compelled to leave Soviet Russia, formed a relief society here which received the support of the Czechoslovakian government.

When the Czechoslovakian government recently concluded a commercial treaty with the Soviets, the Moscow government demanded as one of its conditions that the Czechoslovakian government ceases its sudsidy to the emigres’ society, as many of its members are monarchists.

With the Czechoslovakian government’s support withdrawn, the Executive Committee of the society appealed to Henry Ford, asking him for tractors for its members and whatever assistance he might see fit to render.

Ford sent a cable in reply, asking how many tractors were needed. In a letter to the Committee, Mr. Ford expressed his concern over the fate of the Russian emigres and promised assistance.

Jews are also members of the emigres’ relief society.


Jacob Fishman, managing editor of the “Jewish Morning Journal”, sailed yesterday on the Majestic for Europe.

Mr. Fishman will attend the Fifteenth Zionist Congress in Basle and other Jewish conferences which will take place during the summer.

It was learned that prior to his departure Mr. Fishman applied for a Russian visa and if permission is granted he will visit Russia. He will tour the new Jewish colonies and write of his impressions for his paper.


Palestine will undoubtedly overcome the crisis which is prevailing there, Joseph J. Bach, vice-president of the Public National Bank, declared to a representative of the “Jewish Daily Bulletin” upon his return from a trip to Palestine. where he went to study on the spot the work of the Palestine Securities, Inc., and the question of mortgage credits for Palestine.

Despite the great economic difficulties with which Palestine Jewry is confronted, they have not lost their courage, their readiness for sacrifice and their boundless enthusiasm, Mr. Bach declared.

“It is deplorable,” he said, “that while the upbuilding work in Palestine is undoubtedly the greatest cause of world Jewry, only a small minority takes an active interest in the work. Instead of every Jew putting his shoulder to the wheel and realizing his duty to help the pioneers who are giving their very lives and every ounce of their energy, he leaves to a small minority the task which should be that of all Israel.

“Whatever difficulties there are in Palestine can be overcome and will be overcome if we Jews will do our duty and if every one of us will join the handful of men who have until now carried the responsibility for this tremendous historic endeavor,” Mr. Bach declared.

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