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Human Rights Body Approves Suggestion to Ban Publications Spreading Prejudice

Members of the working group of the United Nations ### Rights Commission which has drafted a declaration of human rights today ##ssed approval of a suggestion by the Coordinating Board of Jewish Organizations ## the declaration call for the outlawing of publications spreading race hatred ##re judice. The Coordinating Board, which consists of the American […]

December 12, 1947
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Members of the working group of the United Nations ### Rights Commission which has drafted a declaration of human rights today ##ssed approval of a suggestion by the Coordinating Board of Jewish Organizations ## the declaration call for the outlawing of publications spreading race hatred ##re judice.

The Coordinating Board, which consists of the American Jewish Conference and ### British and South African Boards of Jewish Deputies, urged the banning of publications and other media of public expression aiming and tending to inflict ##ry and incite prejudice and hatred against persons or groups because of their ### religion, language or national origin.”

The working group also adopted a clause suggested by the World Jewish Congress, providing that eduation should be directed, among othe things, towards ##atting the spirit of intolerance and hatred against other nations and racial ### religious groups everywhere.Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, U.S. delegate, said this morning that she agreed ### the question of Jewish immigration is an international problem and she will recommend that all nations admit victims of Nazi persecution. Earlier, Mrs. ##sevelt conferred with Milton Winn, American Jewish Committee observer here.

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