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Hurwitz to Get Information Post in U.S.

June 3, 1980
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Reports that Premier Menachem Begin will appoint Harry Hurwitz, a staunch Herut loyalist who recently immigrated from South Africa, to be information counselor at the Israel Embassy in Washington, brought expressions of protest and dismay in senior Foreign-Ministry circles where Hurwitz is considered unqualified for the sensitive job.

Hurwitz told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency today that he had been offered the post by Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir following consultations with Begin and that he accepted. He dismissed opposition to his appointment as predictable.

Foreign Ministry officials contended that there were many more suitable candidates in foreign service ranks than an immigrant of two years’ standing. They said that Hurwitz, who edited the Herut affiliated Jewish Herold in South Africa before coming to Israel and authored an extremely laudatory biography of Begin, lacks experience with the world news media and is insufficiently familiar with the Israeli scene. They also faulted his knowledge of Hebrew.

Under a long-standing agreement, an Israeli government has the right to make up to 15 “political appointments” in the foreign service. Hurwitz apparently will be part of that quota which the Begin government has not yet filled. As an aide to the Premier, he has been introduced into Begin’s policy-making circle and often participates in important diplomatic meetings with foreign representatives.

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