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I.r.o. Fires Heads of Mission in Italy over Protests of Jewish Refugee Organizations

Over the protests of Jewish refugee organizations, International Refugee Organization dismissed S.M. Keeny, Antonio Sorieri and is Varichione, American heads of the IRO mission here. All three had previously ?ected UNRRA activities in Italy and had showed sympathetic understanding of the ?tion of the displaced Jews. A last minute appeal to IRO executive secretary William […]

January 14, 1948
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Over the protests of Jewish refugee organizations, International Refugee Organization dismissed S.M. Keeny, Antonio Sorieri and is Varichione, American heads of the IRO mission here. All three had previously ?ected UNRRA activities in Italy and had showed sympathetic understanding of the ?tion of the displaced Jews.

A last minute appeal to IRO executive secretary William H. Tuck made during flying visit to Geneva by Leon Bernstein, chairman of the Jewish, Refugee Organization, was rejected. The new IRO heads here are also Americans. Rear Admiral George Mentz is chief of the mission.

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