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Israel Braced for Possible New Terrorist Attacks on Eve of Six-day War Fifth Anniversary

June 5, 1972
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Israel is bracing for possible new terrorist outrages tomorrow, the fifth anniversary of the Six-day War, stringent security precautions applied at Lydda Airport following last Tuesday’s massacre have been extended to Haifa where ships’ passengers land. The measures are expected to go into effect at the port of Ashdod as well where only cargo ships call. Passengers disembarking from ships at Haifa are ‘undergoing personal searches and all baggage is carefully screened. A state of alert was declared at Lydda Airport for several hours today following the landing of an Air France plane. A similar alert was called Thursday night for an Olympic Airline flight from Athens and subsequent flights arriving.

Army units and border police have been stationed at Lydda Airport in the event of a new terrorist attempt tomorrow. Military police are assisting civilian police in checking out arriving passengers. The Air France and Olympic jets landed their passengers at the far end of the runway and only after all passengers were identified and their luggage searched were they permitted to board buses for the short drive to the terminal building. During Thursday’s alert, Gen, Rehavam Zeev, commander of the Central Command, took personal charge of the airport control to were Hospitals in the vicinity of Lydda Airport were put on standby during the airport alert. So far, no passengers have complained of the inconvenience caused by the new security measures. One passenger told newsmen he would rather undergo ten searches than experience what happened at Lydda last Tuesday


Air France officials in Paris refused today to confirm reports the airline’s offices in several European cities have received anonymous warnings that new “kamilkaze” on Israel would take place tomorrow on the Six-day War anniversary. Airline spokesmen told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that the new security measures put into effect after the Lydda massacre were considered sufficient.

The Cabinet today published the text of the resolution adopted five years ago which authorized the government to take military action against Egypt, Syria and Jordan , thus staring the Six-Day War, Premiere Golda, Meir read the historic text to the Cabinet and remarked that while Israel’s troubles have not ended, there was no comparison of Israel’s position today with its position on June 5, 1967. Jerusalem police were alerted today for possible demonstration outside the Knesset tomorrow by the Arab Student Council and the pro-Mac Matzpen group. The leftist organizations announced that they would demonstrate on the occasion of the Six Day War anniversary to protest the continued Israeli occupation of Arab territories, Students affiliated with Histadrut have asked the two groups to call off their demonstration They warned that it could lead to a clash with pro-government groups and might harm Arab-Israeli student relations.

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