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Israel ‘desperately’ in Need of Modern Arms, British Survey Establishes

Israel is “desperately” in need of more modern arms, as defense against the massive military strength of the Arab states surrounding it, the Institute for Strategic Studies reported here today after a detailed survey of the military capabilities of the Arab states and Israel. The survey referred specifically to the “over-kill capability” of the Arab […]

May 4, 1965
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Israel is “desperately” in need of more modern arms, as defense against the massive military strength of the Arab states surrounding it, the Institute for Strategic Studies reported here today after a detailed survey of the military capabilities of the Arab states and Israel. The survey referred specifically to the “over-kill capability” of the Arab states that are hostile to Israel.

Starting with Israel’s “most powerful adversary,” the survey showed that that enemy, Egypt, has an army of 160,000 men and officers, organized in eight divisions, two of them armored, four of them mobile divisions with tank support. Egypt’s total armored strength was given as 1,200 tanks, including 400 Russian T-34’s, and the survey added that the Russians are now delivering to Egypt their new T-10 battle tanks.

Egypt also has about 1,500 artillery and multiple rocket launchers, and about 250 mobile, single-stage, ground-to-ground missiles. These include the Al Zafir, which carries a 1,000-pound warhead and the Al Kahir with a larger warhead. The first has a range of 235 miles, the second a range of 375 miles. However, the survey stated, there is no evidence that Egypt has as yet developed a modern guidance system for these weapons, and expressed doubt about Egypt’s ability to pinpoint the targets.


Jordan has a well-trained army of 35,000 men, armed mainly with American weapons, including the heavy Patton tank, Its air force has only about 60 craft, including one or two squadrons of obsolete, British-built fighters. Iraq was shown in the survey to have about 75,000 men in three infantry divisions, a mountain division and three brigades of special Defense Ministry troops. Its armor includes 250 Russian T-34 and T-54 tanks. Its air force has 250 craft, including several types of the Russian MIG fighters.

Syria has an army of 60,000 men, with some 500 tanks, mostly Russian and between 150 and 200 aircraft. Lebanon has an army of 10,000 men and a small air force including about 20 British Hunter and Vampire fighters. According to the survey, Israel’s enemies could call upon more than 400,000 troops, excluding reserves and gendarmery reinforcements from other Arab countries.

Against all this combined Arab “overkill capability,” the survey concluded, Israel has a wartime strength of 250,000 men. Its regular army strength has only three infantry brigades and one armored division equipped with medium tanks, some of them the obsolete Shermans. Israel’s air force is given as containing only 450 planes, including five squadrons of French-built Mystere fighters and the same number of light-strike aircraft.

Israel’s “desperate need” for more modern arms is shown by Israel’s current interest in obtaining British Hawker, Siddeley and Buccaneer low-level bombers and the British Chieftain tanks, the published report says. The latter are the most formidable weapons of their kind in existence.

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