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Israel Government Discusses Measures Against Arab Economic Boycott

Means of counteracting the Arab economic boycott of Israel were scheduled for discussion today by Mrs. Golda Meir, Foreign Minister, and Moshe Bartur, head of the Ministry’s Economic Division, at a meeting of the Knesset Foreign Affairs Committee. Informed sources said that, following the capitulation four months ago by the Shell company to Arab pressure, […]

December 20, 1957
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Means of counteracting the Arab economic boycott of Israel were scheduled for discussion today by Mrs. Golda Meir, Foreign Minister, and Moshe Bartur, head of the Ministry’s Economic Division, at a meeting of the Knesset Foreign Affairs Committee.

Informed sources said that, following the capitulation four months ago by the Shell company to Arab pressure, the Arabs have intensified their boycott pressures. The Shell firm at that time announced plans to end commercial activities in Israel. It was also learned that Great Britain has been pressuring British General Electric to diminish operations in Israel.

The Shell commitment to the Arabs was liquidation of business activities in Israel within six months but there were no indications that the oil firm would be able to complete negotiations for the transfer of its assets and business to a successor company within the two months still remaining of the six.

Israel sources emphasized that in those countries where governments have stood firm against Arab boycott pressures, no firms had suffered from their refusal to cease trading in Israel but in countries where governments have failed to oppose the boycott, the Arabs have exercised steadily increasing pressures against local firms still doing business with Israel.

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