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Israel Now Has World’s Largest Military Force Per Capita

March 8, 1991
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Israel, whose defense spending per capita is the highest in the world, may now also have the largest military force in-proportion to its population.

Until recently, Iraq had 53 soldiers on active duty for every 1,000 residents, the highest proportion its the world, followed by Israel with 42.6, according to a chart published by the Los Angeles Times.

With the destruction of much of Iraq’s armed forces, Israel now appears to top the list, followed by North Korea, Syria and Cuba. The United States ranks 20th, with 9.3 troops on active duty per 1,000 population.

As for military spending, Israel ranks No. 1, laying out $1,373.91 per inhabitant in 1990-91. Second is the United States, with $1,165.13 per capita. Other high spenders include Saudi Arabia in third place, the United Kingdom in fifth ($589.24 per capita), Syria in 12th, and Egypt in 15th place ($116.42 per capita).

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