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Israeli Arab Youth is a Finalist in the 1982 Science Fair

December 15, 1982
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

An 18-year-old Israeli Arab boy, Muhamed Mustafa Agabria, of Uum El-Faham village, was one of 19 finalists in the 1982 Weizmann Institute of Science-Discount Bank science fair which ended with prize awards in Rehovot today.

Agabria, who submitted a paper analyzing Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, was also the first Arab youngster to participate in the annual science fair held on campus for talented young people.

Other finalists included first prize winner Ron Karidi of Tel Aviv who designed a mathematical model for solving the Rubik cube and variations of it, and Leah Orbach of Eilat who placed second for her study of the effect of light on a certain type of giant clam which lives in symbiosis with single-cell algae in the Red Sea.

Gilad Bendel of Rehovot and Amas Lapidat of Ramat Gan shared the third prize for computer programs. Another shared third prize went to Ravid Sogyn of the Bnai Yehuda settlement in the Golan Heights, who built a sophisticated model of a greenhouse controlled by a microprocessor. The youngest prize winner, for his project on the homing sense of dogs, was Robert Alterson, 13. He received a consolation prize.

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