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It Takes Work to Put a Code into Operation

January 29, 1935
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Activity attending the finishing touches being put on the Retail Kosher Meat Code has converted David S. Andron’s office, temporary code headquarters, into a bustling hive of industries in which secretaries and assistants, intent on making a success of the first exclusively Jewish code ever granted, are rapidly being welded into a compact, competent unit.

In the midst of it sits Mr. Andron himself youthful attorney and guiding spirit in framing the code, talking now to NRA headquarters in Washington, now to harried assistants, dictating to two stenographers at once between bites on the sandwich which comprises his lunch.

Charlie Cohen, president of the Federation of Kosher Butchers, to whom the code is as dear as an only son, rushes in and in a voluble mixture of Yiddish and English wants to know if tuxedos are to be worn at the code dinner in the Hotel Commodore on March 3.


“Make sure the meat at the dinner is prime cuts only,” he reminds Mr. Andron.

Leroy Peterson, live poultry code administrator, is on the wire. . . . He wants to know if there’s anything he can do to help. He knows what a job it is to get a code working.

From the recesses of columnes of figures, John Brunjes the code statistician, observes in a husky baritone that the State of Nevada, with a Jewish population of 246, hasn’t one kosher butcher. He wonders whether the 246 Jews are vegetarians.

While in Washington government officials, in response to insistent pleas from Mr. Andron’s office, try to unwind the red tape that is tangled around every code, in New York the code authority which was set up last month meets frequently to plan the national convention at the Hotel Commodore on March 3 and 4. The members talk over plans for staging an elaborate exhibition of the processes and equipment involved in the retailing of meat and poultry.

It is the first exclusively Jewish code and as Jews they feel pleased and excited. As butchers, they take professional pride in the organization of their industry, and are determined to prove to President Roosevelt that they merit the special consideration shown them.

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