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J.D.B. News Letter

December 15, 1927
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

St. Louis Jewry Records Lively Communal Activities (By Our St. Louis Correspondent)

Two notable gifts in Jewish philanthropy within recent weeks have brought Jewish communal life in St. Louis to the newspaper headlines–Mark Steinberg’s gift of $100,000 to the “Y,” and Sydney M. Shoenberg’s gift of $300,000 to the Jewish Hospital.

The St. Louis Jewish Hospital is one of the most up-to-date hospital in the country and has on its staff the best known physicians in St. Louis. It has a Kosher Kitchen which has become the sine qua non in Jewish institutions. Rabbi Abraham E. Halpern, of the B’nai Amoono Congregation, supervises the Kashruth. The “Y” is under the direction of Gilbert Harris.

The Hebrew schools system in St. Louis, along modern lines with the support of the Federation, is a recent movement here, much younger than the systems in Cleveland, Chicago, Philadelphia. The result is that we cannot as yet claim a consistent educational policy.

Dr. Lcon Harrison, outstanding Reform Rabbi has just completed thirty-five years in Temple Israel, which was the occasion of a testimonial dinner in his honor, attended by five hundred guests.

The Midwest Congruence on Palestine was held in St. Louis. Representatives from nine states came together to form the Midwest Region for Zionist work. In essence it was a union of forces between the Chicago and St. Louis Zionists, or to put it on a personal basis, a rapprochement between Prof. Gustave Klausner, of St. Louis and Max Shulman, of Chicago. The interest of the Zionist Organization, the United Palestine Appeal, and the Jewish National Fund will be directed more intensively from the these two cities. A quota of three-quarter million dollars has been adopted.

The third United Palestine Appeal campaign in St. Louis is scheduled for the month of March. Dr. Chaim Weizmann has been invited as the guest of the St. Louis Zionists. The campaign will be given four weeks. Gustave Klausner. Samuel Kranzberg, M. J. Slonim will direct the campaign.

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