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Jakob Michael Makes Million Dollar Gift to Weizmann Institute

October 2, 1967
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The establishment of the Erna and Jakob Michael Institute of Nuclear Science and the donation of $1 Million for a building for the Department of Nuclear Physics and Isotopes, was announced today by Dewey D. Stone, chairman of the board of governors of the Weizmann Institute of Science at Rehovoth. The gift was made by New York industrialist and philanthropist Jakob Michael in memory of his wife, the late Erna Sondheimer Michael, who died in 1964.

The Erna and Jakob Michael Institute of Nuclear Science will encompass the departments of physics, nuclear physics and isotopes and the laboratories for spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance.

In the United States, Mr. Michael established the Erna and Jakob Michael Institute for Biochemical Research at the Einstein College of Medicine, the Erna Michael College of Hebraic Studies and the Erna Michael Professorship in Jewish Philosophy — all at Yeshiva University in New York City.

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