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Jewish Communities in Italy Deplore Globke’s Arrival with Adenauer

Dr. Sergio Piperno, president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, deplored today the fact that West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, who arrived here yesterday for consultations with Italian officials, was accompanied by Dr. Hans Globke, his State Secretary. Dr. Piperno, in a statement to the press, said that Dr. Globke had been accused of […]

September 18, 1963
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Dr. Sergio Piperno, president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, deplored today the fact that West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, who arrived here yesterday for consultations with Italian officials, was accompanied by Dr. Hans Globke, his State Secretary.

Dr. Piperno, in a statement to the press, said that Dr. Globke had been accused of collaboration with Nazism, particularly in writing a commentary on the Nazi Nuremberg racial laws.

Asserting that the results of a West German government inquiry into the charges had never been published and that the charges had not been denied, the Italian Jewish leader conceded that the Adenauer Government was trying to repair the “material damages” created by the Nazi regime. However, he added, punishment of Nazi collaborators or at least their elimination from high and influential public offices was still more important.

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