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Jewish Communities Throughout U.S. Mourn Death of President Ben-zvi

Jewish communities throughout the United States and Canada today mourned the passing of President Iszak Ben-Zvi of Israel. The Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds cabled a message of condolence to Israel’s Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. The message was signed by Louis Stern, CJFWF president. A memorial service for Mr. Ben-Zvi was held today […]

April 25, 1963
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Jewish communities throughout the United States and Canada today mourned the passing of President Iszak Ben-Zvi of Israel. The Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds cabled a message of condolence to Israel’s Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. The message was signed by Louis Stern, CJFWF president.

A memorial service for Mr. Ben-Zvi was held today at the Jewish Agency offices here. Mr. Ben-Zvi was eulogized by Dr. Emanuel Neumann, chairman of the American section of the Jewish Agency executive, and Katriel Katz, Consul General of Israel. The El Moleh Rachmim was chanted by Cantor Robert H.Segal, of Congregation Bnai Jeshurun.

All offices of the Israel Bond Organization closed early in memory of President Ben-Zvi, the New York headquarters announced.

The American Zionist Council, sponsor of the 15th Anniversary observance of Israel’s Independence Day, announced that a memorial tribute to President Ben-Zvi will be incorporated into the observance next Sunday evening here at the new Lincoln Center.

The World Confederation of General Zionists, in a cable signed by the co-chairmen, Mrs. Rose Halprin and Dr. Israel Goldstein, described the late President as “the personification of the noblest aspirations of early chalutzuit and modern Zionism.”

Dr. David de Sola Pool, president of the Union of Sephardic Congregations, described Mr. Ben-Zvi as a great scholar and an authority on the historic culture and civilization of the Sephardic world. His “special dedication to the Oriental Jewish communities, who were but little known, was in many ways a fulfilment of his love for the underprivileged,” he stressed in his message.

Other messages of condolence were sent by the New York Board of Rabbis, the Rabbinical Council of America, the World Council of Synagogues, and the United Synagogue of America.

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