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Jewish Labor Committee Urges UN Rights Commission Session on Polish Jews

The Jewish Labor Committee urged President Johnson yesterday to instruct the American delegation on the United Nations Human Rights Commission to call for an emergency session of that body to deal with the Polish Government’s campaign against the Jewish minority. A telegram to the President described the anti-Jewish campaign conducted by the Communist Party and […]

April 2, 1968
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Jewish Labor Committee urged President Johnson yesterday to instruct the American delegation on the United Nations Human Rights Commission to call for an emergency session of that body to deal with the Polish Government’s campaign against the Jewish minority. A telegram to the President described the anti-Jewish campaign conducted by the Communist Party and the Polish Government and accused the regime of attempting to “coerce” the Jews “to bear false witness against what the world knows are the true conditions in present-day Poland” and to “falsify history.”

The appeal also was signed by the Farband Labor Zionist Organization, the Federation of Jewish Underground Fighters Against Nazism, the Katzetler Farband Warsaw Ghetto Resistance Organization, the Association of New Americans Organization in Philadelphia and the United Jewish Survivors.

A resolution demanding that the United States revoke the tariff privileges now enjoyed by Poland under the ‘favored nations’ clauses in its trade treaties with the United States was unanimously adopted by 400 delegates at an emergency conference called by the Jewish Labor Committee.

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