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Jewish Patients in NY State Institutions Will Get Kosher for Passover Meals for 8 Days

March 29, 1974
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

All of the 1100 Jewish patients in the 45 New York State schools for the mentally retarded and the hospitals for the mentally ill will have kosher-for-Passover meals for the entire eight-day holiday period for the first time, according to the State Department of Mental Hygiene. Dr. Alan Miller, commissioner, said the program had been tested in some institutions in 1972 and in more in 1973 but that this is the first year in which all Jewish patients in all facilities will have access to Passover meals for the entire period.

The Passover meals are packed in sealed containers with the entire food program supervised by Jewish chaplains. A department spokesman said that 7000 dinners had been ordered for the seder meals so that non-Jewish patients and facility personnel who wish to participate in the seders will be able to do so. The Jewish chaplain will conduct the seder night ceremony, the spokesman said. The patients range from five-year-old children to the elderly. The programs are arranged in consultation with the New York Board of Rabbis, the department spokesman said.

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