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Jewish Publication Announces Annual Award for Best Editorial in Anglo-jewish Press

Creation of an annual plaque award for the best editorial in the Anglo-Jewish press was announced by The Jewish Post, published here, in connection with its tenth anniversary celebration this week. All Anglo-Jewish newspapers in the United States are included in the scope of the award, but publications which are organs of national organizations will […]

July 7, 1943
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Creation of an annual plaque award for the best editorial in the Anglo-Jewish press was announced by The Jewish Post, published here, in connection with its tenth anniversary celebration this week.

All Anglo-Jewish newspapers in the United States are included in the scope of the award, but publications which are organs of national organizations will be excluded. Each paper will be permitted to submit what it considers its three best editorials of the year. The first award will be made in time for announcement in the Rosh Hashanah editions of the Anglo-Jewish press.

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