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Jewish Sports Fete Attracts 14 Nations

The Maccabiade, international Jewish sports festival, opened here today with the participation of Jewish teams from fourteen countries. The German team of one hundred was refused permission at the last moment by the Nazi authorities to make the trip. The games, which are being held at the Belvedere stadium, are arousing much interest and comment […]

August 27, 1933
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The Maccabiade, international Jewish sports festival, opened here today with the participation of Jewish teams from fourteen countries. The German team of one hundred was refused permission at the last moment by the Nazi authorities to make the trip.

The games, which are being held at the Belvedere stadium, are arousing much interest and comment here. A large crowd saw the Roumanian Maccabeans defeat the Palestine contingent in the light athletic contests this morning by a score of six to one, and the Polish team win five boxing events.

The tennis matches will attract considerable attention because of the presence on the British team of Dr. Daniel Prenn, former member of the German Davis Cup team, who was eliminated from German athletic life because of his Jewish ancestry.

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