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Jewish Youth and Community Center Dedicated in Paris; Serves Refugees

December 14, 1965
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

Merkaz de Montmartre, a remodeled Jewish youth and community center serving mainly the families of Jewish refugees from Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco, was dedicated here yesterday with ceremonies attended by French Jewish leaders and representatives of the refugee groups. The center has been remodeled at a cost of $65,000 contibuted by the Central British Fund, the Joint Distribution Committee, the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany and the Fonds Social Juif Unifie. The British group had given $30,000 of the total.

Included in the renovated center are a Jewish school with a capacity of 200 students, a synagogue, library, club and music rooms, a kosher kitchen and sports facilities. The center is in an area where many Jewish reugees from North Africa live in extremely crowded quarters.

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