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Jews and Arabs Die As Palestine Disorders Continue; Arab Legion Kills 12 Jews

The death toll in Palestine’s continuing dis## exceeded 25 today as 12 Jews were killed when a convoy was ambushed near Ben ##, adjoining Lydda, 10 Arabs died in an unsuccessful attack on the Jewish village of Holon, south of Tel Aviv, and other Arabs and Jews died in clashes throughout the country. The victims […]

December 15, 1947
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

The death toll in Palestine’s continuing dis## exceeded 25 today as 12 Jews were killed when a convoy was ambushed near Ben ##, adjoining Lydda, 10 Arabs died in an unsuccessful attack on the Jewish village of Holon, south of Tel Aviv, and other Arabs and Jews died in clashes throughout the country.

The victims at Ben Shemen were armed guards who were protecting the convoy which had set out from Petach Tikvah. The seven vehicles comprising the group were ## attacked near the Arab village of Kuleh by unidentified Arabs. At Beth Nabal## soldiers of the Arab Legion, King Abdullah’s troops who are in Palestine in the ##ce of the British, joined in the attack. Most of the casualties, which in##ed 10 wounded, were inflicted by the Legionnaires.

Two of the seven vehicles were destroyed, but the others reached Ben Shemen. ## wounded Jews, as well as the bodies of the 12 dead, were taken to Beth Jacob ##tal. The Jews emphatically denied an allegation by the Arab troops that the ##y had opened the hostilities.

The heaviest Arab casualties occurred at Holon, and the adjoining Arab village ##el Aris. In addition to the 10 killed, many were wounded. The Haganah defenders of ##olon lost one man, Jacob Katz, 19, and four wounded. The attack was launched ## night by snipers who took up positions around Holon, firing at passing vehicles## dawn came, they mounted a mass assault on the Haganah positions, but were re##sed. Several flank attacks were also beaten off, and the Haganah then counter##cked, dispersing the band, estimated at 100.

After the attackers had been beaten off, a strong Haganah’s unit raided Tel ##, where the Arabs had their headquarters and which has been a hide-out for ##pers. The Jewish militia blew up a house and drove the Arab terrorists from the ##lage. At this point, British armored cars arrived, occupied one of the Haganah’s ##ance posts, confiscated arms and arrested six Haganah members. The troops did ## search Tel Aris.

Another Jew was killed and three wounded when a convoy was attacked by Arabs ## Beth Eshel, the first Jewish settlement to be establishment in the Negev. The ##bs were repulsed, taking their wounded with them.


The curfew which was imposed on Safed yesterday following an outbreak of violence there, was lifted this afternoon. Many shops re-opened, but traffic did not ##sume immediately. The situation in predominantly Jewish Safed and the mainly Arab environs is reported to be tense.

An official communique summarizing the situation up to this morning says that 84 Jews and 93 Arabs have been killed since the beginning of the month; 50 Jews and


Meanwhile, hopes for peace between Jaffa and Tel Aviv were dashed today after the {SPAN}##yor{/SPAN} of Jaffa, Dr. Yussef Heikel, returned from Cairo where, it is understood, {SPAN}##ufti{/SPAN} ordered him not to conclude a truce with Tel Aviv under any circumstances. {SPAN}##ugh{/SPAN} Heikel met with the municipal officers of Jaffa, no statement was issued after the close of the meeting, a sign that the Mufti’s order was being obeyed.

The Haganah announced that it entered several Arab villages in the vicinity of Jerusalem yesterday and warned the inhabitants not to allow their settlements to be## the bases of Arab marauders. It added that on a day “when so many arms were sto## by Arabs, and in so many places Jews were killed and wounded, the British police ##ch only Jews and confiscate the arms they need for self-defense.” It was learned this the Haganah has decided to cut Arab traffic throughout the country, if the ##cks on Jewish convoys continue, and will raid Arab towns and villages used as ##s.A Jewish Agency spokesman, commenting this morning on the killing of 15 or more ##s by the Irgun yesterday in attacks in Jerusalem and Jaffa, said that “the last ## days were days of action unapproved by the Yishuv, which denies the dissidents ## right to separate action. The Haganah works along lines planned by experts ##ing into account military and political considerations, which resulted in the ## ten days (after the U.N. partition decision) in purely self-defense actions,” ## continued. “Since then, however, aggressive self-defense has concentrated against ##gets–mainly the centers of Arab aggression. Private armies can undoubtedly ##ch spectacular actions, something the Haganah cannot and will not do, first, ##ause it will be converted in the future into a state militia and secondly because ## have to live with the Arabs. Nevertheless, the Haganah will continue to punish ## aggressive acts.”Dr. Aaron Bart, president of the Defense Fund, announced that more than ##,000,000 has already been contributed by Palestine Jews to the drive for funds ## the security needs of the new Jewish State. The original goal of the drive was ##ly $2,000,000. He also announced that there are still a number of large pledges to be collected. He revealed that no monies have been received from abroad by the ##fense Fund.

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