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Jews and Christians Join to Resist Anti-religious Campaign of Communists

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Jews and Christians of various denominations work together in White Russia in resisting the anti-religious campaign of the Communist authorities, according to a report of the “Pravda.” The paper reports that at the antireligious conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party a representative from White Russia declared that in that […]

May 18, 1926
See Original Daily Bulletin From This Date

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency)

Jews and Christians of various denominations work together in White Russia in resisting the anti-religious campaign of the Communist authorities, according to a report of the “Pravda.”

The paper reports that at the antireligious conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party a representative from White Russia declared that in that region an increased interest in religious matters and in Zionism is noticeable among White Russian Jewry. While before the revolution the Christian and Jewish clergy were bitterly antagonistic to each other, they have now concluded a bloc, signing declarations defending jointly their institutions, he stated. During a recent trial of a Catholic bishop, collections to aid him were made in the synagogues in White Russia, he stated.

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